Please do no scroll down if you are not an opened-minded person.
Please note that every content in this blog is for the sake of enjoyment.
If you feel annoyed just get the F**K off. I won't care much.
- Thank you for your cooperation -



Friday, July 31, 2009

The End of The World is on 2012

Haha Please Enjoy The Trailer.....

2012 - Official® Trailer [HD] - More bloopers are a click away

Again I give this 5 star out of 5 for the trailer

Cool !!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Karangan Terhebat 2008 !!!

Pagi itu pagi minggu. Cuaca cukup sejuk sehingga mencapai takat suhu beku. Sebab itu saya tidak mandi pagi sebab air kolah jadi air batu dan air paip tidak mahu keluar sebab beku di dalam batang paip. Pagi itu saya bersarapan dengan keluarga di dalam unggun api kerana tidak tahan sejuk. Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya menemaninya ke pasar. Tetapi saya tidak mahu.

Selepas emak menikam perut saya berkali-kali dengan garfu barulah saya bersetuju untuk mengikutnya. Kami berjalan sejauh 120 kilometer kerana pasar itu letaknya 128 kilometer dari rumah. Lagi 8 kilometer nak sampai pasar saya ternampak sebuah lori kontena meluru dengan laju dari arah belakang.

Dia melanggar emak saya. Emak saya tercampak ke dalam gaung. Dia menjerit “Adoi!”. Lepas itu emak saya naik semula dan mengejar lori tersebut. Saya pun turut berlari di belakang emak saya kerana takut emak saya melanggar lori itu pula. Pemandu lori itu nampak kami mengejarnya. Dia pun memecut lebih laju iaitu sama dengan kelajuan cahaya. Kami pula terpaksa mengejar dengan lebih laju iaitu sama dengan dua kali ganda kelajuan cahaya. Emak saya dapat menerajang tayar depan lori itu. Lori itu terbabas dan melanggar pembahagi jalan lalu bertembung dengan sebuah feri. Feri itu terbelah dua.

Penumpang feri itu yang seramai 100 orang semuanya mati. Pemandu feri itu sangat marah. Dia pun bertukar menjadi Ultraman dan memfire pemandu lori. Pemandu lori menekan butang khas di dalam lori dia..lori itu bertukar menjadi robot Transformer. Mereka bergaduh di udara. Emak saya tidak puas hati. Dia pun terus menyewa sebuah helikopter di Genting Highlands dan terus ke tempat kemalangan. Dia melanggar pemandu feri yang telah bertukar menjadi Ultraman itu.

Pemandu feri itu terkejut dan terus bertukar menjadi pemandu feri semula lalu terhempas ke jalanraya. Pemandu feri itu pecah. Pemandu lori sangat takut melihat kejadian itu. Dia meminta maaf dari emak saya. Dia menghulurkan tangan ingin bersalam. Tetapi emak saya masih marah. Dia menyendengkan helikopternya dan mengerat tangan pemandu lori itu dengan kipas helikopter. Pemandu lori itu menjerit “Adoi..!” dan jatuh ke bumi. Emak say menghantar helikopter itu ke Genting Highlands. Bila dia balik ke tempat kejadian, dia terus memukul pemandu lori itu dengan beg tangannya sambil memarahi pemandu lori itu di dalam bahasa Inggeris.

Pemandu lori itu tidak dapat menjawab sebab emak saya cakap orang putih. Lalu pemandu lori itu mati. Tidak lama kemudian kereta polis pun sampai. Dia membuat lapuran ke ibu pejabatnya tentang kemalangan ngeri itu. Semua anggota polis di pejabat polis itu terperanjat lalu mati. Orang ramai mengerumuni tempat kejadian kerana ingin mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi. Polis yang bertugas cuba menyuraikan orang ramai lalu dia menjerit menggunakan pembesar suara. Orang ramai terperanjat dan semuanya mati.

Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya ke pasar untuk mengelak lebih ramai lagi yang akan mati. Di pasar, emak saya menceritakan kejadian itu kepada penjual daging. Penjual daging dan peniaga-peniaga berhampiran yang mendengar cerita itu semuanya terkejut dan mati. Saya dan emak saya terus berlari balik ke rumah. Kerana terlalu penat sebaik saja sampai di rumah kami pun mati. Itulah kemalangan yang paling ngeri yang pernah saya lihat sebelum saya mati.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bleach Pool

According to the Pool that is post 2 weeks ago.

Bleach is for Kids

Out of 17 respondents,
  • 0% Strongly Agree
  • 5% Agree
  • 23% No Comment
  • 5% Disagree
  • 52% Strongly Disagree
  • 11% What is Bleach?
This pool is considered incomplete as the respondent is too little to represent the whole community here. Thus, here's another pool which this time I would put a longer time for voting.


I also had place a chatbox based on demand, you can use it to communicate with me. Send you regards, comments and more about me and my blog.

Thanks for your support ^^

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sam in Sarikei Special Edition: Finale

Hi. Tired and bored of me. Stay with me. My last posting about Sarikei.
Hehe, my last dinner (Adopted from My LAST SUPPER) in Sarikei

The entrance to the restaurant. Huhu !!!

Tonight, we ate a seven course meal.

Starting with a mix stir fry vegetable (^.^)

Lol, it almost got finish before I get to snapshot it.

Dish 2: Sweet Sour Pork

Hehe, this is heaven...

Dish 3: Sea Cucumber with mushrooms and other stuffs

You can find pork in here also.

Dish 4: Butter Deep Fry Prawn

My favorite ebi. Yummy!!!

Dish 5: Seafood Soup

Hmmm... I still prefer Shark Fin Soup. Haha

Dish 6: Steamed Cord Fish
Note: No snapshot because I'm allergy to fish. Yucks!

Final Dish: Steam Chicken with Chinese Herbs and Wine

Chicken Breast is THE BEST !!!

Not to forget 100+ as my drink and mixed fruits that I cannot manage to try because of these 'monsters'.

Haha, they are so cute

( ^^)(^^)(^^ )

Haha. Goodbye Monsters, Sarikei & Pork

My Graditude to zarakisam.blogspot.com.

Tips on Final Year Project (FYP): Part 1

Having a headache in selecting a tittle for FYP? Already decided the tittle and were unable to start? Selecting a supervisor?

If you have all this problem, then you should scroll down.

FYP in the Faculty of Economy and Business (FEB) in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) is an required thesis to be done in a year in order to graduate. 2 semester were allocated for this and time is not much as we have other subjects to do also.

How do we select our topic?

Selecting our topic reflect back to us who we are actually. You can do this two ways.
  1. Do for the sake of doing it.
  2. Enjoy the every process of it
If you are selecting choice no 1 then life is easy for you. Just find a bloody supervisor and ask for a topic. And you will forever in the darkness because you do not know what are you doing.

If you choose option 2. please scroll down.

This is the steps:
  1. Consult with a lecturer, senior or anyone about FYP. Do not ask them for a tittle but only talk about current issues because 80% of topic is based on it.
  2. Ask yourself. What you wish to know? Write it all on a paper.
  3. Choose between the questions or issues that you wish to know.
  4. Know your resources. (respondents, journals, etc.) Based on that, you can narrow your scope of choosing a topic.
  5. Decide and write a proposal of it.
  6. Bring it up to a lecturer and ask for opinion.
Once decided then is decided. Changing topics only portray your own weakness in heart and ultimately you failed the objective of FYP.

How to choose a supervisor?

After deciding your topic, just find any who show interest to accept you. Any supervisor will do as basically all lecturers are the same. If you try to find according to their field, then that is good but again, think. Don't force yourself choose a lecturer that you are not comfortable with as your rebellious cell will be a big problem later on.

Supervisor is only a guide, thus the topic is your own not theirs. You can follow their topic and in the end you are only lying to yourself about FYP. You are being controlled by the system.

Hmmm. How to start?

Hehe, Stay tune for Part 2...


Monday, July 27, 2009

Sam in Sarikei Special Edition: Part 4

Hi, this is Sam bringing you from Unimas Kuching.
My trip in Sarikei has ended but not my story.

This is the river that I promise you last posting


Longest river in Sarawak, whole Malaysia and maybe South East Asia. Haha

The view is good and you guys should come here. Nothing much here. Compare to Kuching Waterfront, the only different is here in Sarikei is much less to see but is more peaceful than the Kuching one.

Safety vs Excitement

Choose !!!

There is also a wet market just across the water front

There are many vegetables and fruits but this is the BEST:

-Pineapples -

Hehe, that's all for now. Watch out for my finale in "Sam in Sarikei Special Edition" tomorrow same time same place

To Be Continued.....

MONDAY TMT1013 = Waste Of Time

- Today in TMT1013 -

According to observations in the Monday 9am to 10am tutorial class for TMT1013, it is rather a waste of time. Why?

According to the snapshot above, It shows that the class is conducted via online. The tutor/lecturer only comes in, write the instruction as above and all self-study.

Kalau tak faham, boleh tanya saya. Lol WTH man, I wake up at 8am to prepare myself, went there and this is what I get. OMG !!!

To those who are so SEMANGAT for class, I wish them all the best!!!

がんばって ~GANBATTE ~

Some Tips For Those Presenting Groups ^
  1. S - Spelling Checks
  2. M - Main Points
  3. A - Animation
  4. R - Rehearsal
  5. T - Time Management
Hope you guys get some point here.
Good Luck & All The Best !!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sam in Sarikei Special Edition: Part 3

Yo, It's me again, Sam bringing you live from Sarikei.
This edition I will show you some landmarks in Sarikei.
Haha Sarikei Water Front.

Harbour Area: Sarikei Waterfront
Guess the river. Will tell you on my next edition.

Landmarks: PINEAPPLE!!!

Landmarks: The CLOCK STATUE !!! Lol


More for you on the next episode. Now already hungry. Hehe, I go eat first. Bye!!!

To Be Continued.....

Sarikei Book of Record ^^

This is the biggest 'Kom Pian' in Sarikei

WOW !!!

Ne and this is the shop that produce it.
Haha no address for you guys cause of the same old reason.
No money were payed to me :p

The size of this 'THING' is 15 inch in diameter.

OMG!!! Is Damn Big !!!

Imagine the amount of pork inside.
Yes, around 2kg of mince pork were in it.

Guys, I'm speachless.
No Wonder is the Sarikei Book of Record.

For more information, try it yourself.
Pop Quiz: Guess it's price and post it as a comment.
Let's see who have the sharpest mind.
The winner get a..... Hehe, will tell next week. :p

Comment on its price & please put in your details too.
You might be the lucky one.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sam in Sarikei Special Edition: Part 2

Yo, I'm back again bringing you from Sarikei again.

Every time you meet Sam, is all about food. Yummy !!!

What you saw above is one of my favorites. I have it for my breakfast. It's called 'Kom Pian' What the heck name like shit but taste bloody good. Its like 'Ham Jin Peng' in Cantonese but with pork mince inside it. Sorry to those HALAL freaks. And the best part it, eat it with a glass of hot Milo. Heaven in Earth. This food is best serve fresh and you need to get up damn early for it. The culture here wakes up early and sleep damn early too. It's like a saying:

Sleep early, Wake up early, body will become healthy.

Next for lunch, I will bring you out of Sarikei. 10KM from the Sarikei City there is a small town named Jakar.

Cool landmark man. Its the black pepper plant on a statue. In the first sight I thought is a statue of penis.

Jakar = Zakar.

Sorry, no offense here. By this is not the story. This is the real deal:



Ne. This is their specialty in this stall. I purposely did not post the shop's name and address because they do not pay me for advertisement. The taste is 5 star. (Die Die Must Try) Price is only 3 star. (Cheap)

It's easy to find as it is popular here, this shop even went in the newspaper. I strongly recommend you guys to try a bowl of Prawn Noodle with a cup of 'Iced Lemon'

Not enough with seafood and noodles? How about this?

Wild Boar Meat (Daging Babi Hutan)

Haha, for pork lovers this would be your best BABI you have in your life.
I even eat before I snapshot it.

Writing this makes me hungry again. Hehe, eat first blog later. See ya.

To Be Continued.....

Unimas H1N1 ??

According to some unreliable source in Unimas, it seems that Unimas had earned its name again by having two cases of H1N1 in the campus. I repeat, TWO CASES of H1N1 cases. Wow, seems very big the tittle, to all humans in Unimas, you all are dead. H1N1 is deadly and is contagious. All people should be in high alert. Keep yourself as indoor as possible. Perform well hygienic practice and USE YOUR BLOODY BRAIN. There are thousands of cases around the world and hundreds of death related to it throughout the world. See the real picture? See the world right now?

The fact is, H1N1 is not as big as people thinks. It can kills but that's what disease done to humans. It can affect everyone - that's normal. Thus, there is nothing special about H1N1. People were just seems to overreact over some small news and rumors.

Protect yourselves now. Grab a bloody mask and become a ninja. Haha.

You guys should do that cause you all are chickens. Look at the real hard facts and the ugly truth.
  1. Most people die is because of their idiotness not illness.
  2. Most people live because they believe they are not dying.
  3. Most people die because of rumors.
  4. Most people live without thinking of dying.
In the end, you guys are the one who make decisions. You choose to believe what you want, you can spread your believes too (religion) but please don't leave your follower behind. Be responsible to all your actions.

You know what, the most irresponsible one is me writing all this shit, offending all idiots and I'm proud of myself. So do fuck yourself in H1N1 in Unimas and gain your name in the Malaysian Hall of Fame. Haha.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sam in Sarikei Special Edition: Part 1

Hi everyone.

This is Sam bringing you live from Sarikei - The Land of Pineapples

Today is my first day at Sarikei.

Nothing much happens as today is just a normal day. Resting all the time after a tiring 6 hours bus journey from Kuching. The weather here is not much different. HOT LIKE HELL !!!

The good things is I get to relax my mind and sleep at a better bed than I have in UNIMAS. This is what people call HEAVEN.


Very good but nothing special except this:

This is what they called longevity noodle (sou mee). It is a type of noodle taken during birthday. The different between what I use to have in KL is this noodle is like 'bihun' but slightly different in terms of texture and taste. Cannot describe it, you just need to try it yourself.

This noodle is cook with chicken marinated with Chinese rice wine. The color red is because they use red Chinese wine. The taste is different as you would not taste wine but sweet. The fragrant is very nice as wine smells good. Hehe.

Overall I rate it 4 star over 5. You guys should try it. It might taste weird at first place but I'm sure you will love it.

-Learn a 'Foochow' phrase a day -

Ho Riak~~

Means Yummy!!! (Tasty)

That's all from me today. See you guys tomorrow.

To Be Continued.....

GI JOE - The Rise of Cobra

This August 7th, there will be a great movie coming up.

This is an action pack movie, suitable all age I suppose unless stated.


Is about a special task force setup to counter a big terrorist group (Cobra).


My Comment:

You should watch this, I rate it 4 star out of 5 after watching its trailer.

Do anticipate it as I will watch it

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sam visiting Sarikei this weekend, COOL !!!

Ne, just a bloody announcement to all my fellow underlings and visitors

I would be leaving to Sarikei this late evening and be there this whole weekend

Thus, I would be broadcasting from Sarikei tomorrow onwards.

Haha !!!

Sam in Sarikei Special Edition

Just some funny comic script for you today. Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


This is an A to D download links for Anime Downloads.

A - Animea.net
B -
C -
D - Dattebayo.com

Enjoy your anime.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

THE FINAL LESSON - How to make $$$ ?

Hey dudes,

Still remember my post last weekend, should you forget or have not see it yet, don't bother. Haha. This is the most crucial part. Don't miss it.

People say when you seems to be lucky go and buy Toto. This phrase is definitely true. Why? this is because Toto, Magnum and similar 4D operators operates with only one objective. To gain the best revenue.

Imagine this !!!

There are 1 million people buy 4D each draw day, with the minimum of RM1 per person. Thus this company will gain RM1 million in revenue. And they only plan to pay back the lowest possible value.

Assuming that, the distribution of numbers is equal, thus each number will have RM100 betting on it and considering the prices (RM2500 + RM1000 + RM500 + RM200x10 + RM60x10) which equals to RM6600.

Thus the total would be RM660,000 payback per RM1 million betting and they gain RM340,000 (34% revenue)

But how likely is this distribution to be happen in reality? Almost ZERO

In reality,

* There will be more than 1 million people bet per draw (average of 2.5 million people)
* The average based on study is RM5 per person each draw
* The company usually rake more than 70% of the betting.

That would be RM8.75 million of revenue per draw.


They will be using computerize system to pick the lowest betting number to be the drawn number. And by any chance, if any numbers are not bet in. (Imagine the 100% revenue by this company)

They will also set a quota on numbers to that people will be limit on buying numbers. This is just a system to confuse the consumer and also to protect themselves against any odds of loses.

How is this related to my last two posting?

The formulas i suggested to you guys is 100% RUBBISH after we know the 4D system.
They are just business scam to cheat your money by giving you hope.
If the formula is true, why they want to sell to you and not use it themselves?
Thus, in order to win, LUCK is the only way (your probability is not 1/10000 but much lesser based on the system)

  • In this world, there is no short cut but only opportunities.
  • Gain opportunity by creating a threat to others.
  • We use other people weakness as our strength.
  • Effort is important but Intelligent is a MUST
  • Always be extreme as moderate is for LOSERS
To be rich, we must understand that:
  • We control the money and not letting money control us.
  • GAMBLING is a relaxing activity (luxury) and not money making method.
  • We must be always understand the system that money works.
  • Know the system, find its loopholes, then gain benefit on it.
  • Stand above the system and you will have the view of god

Monday, July 20, 2009

TMT1013 =.="

According to my scheduling system. Today is my first posting on TMT1013.

Haiz feel very bored when nothing to put on blog regarding the subject. Zzz

Ne, this is something that everyone should know.

After boring stuffs. This is a good one for you guys. Please enjoy. ^^

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lesson 2 - $$$

Hi guys,

Still remember my previous entry in my blog?
If you don't is your own waste.

Anyways this is to all my loyal underlings and visitors.

The 4 STEPS as promised..
  1. Log in to the internet
  2. Go to any search engines
  3. Search for 4d numbers
  4. Pop, what you want is there
But, there is still a simple trick.

You should have notice that, there are a lots of sites available for tips and ways to hit the jackpot in Malaysian 4D and the most important part is 100% of this site requires you to pay for the knowledge and you will sure hesitate to move on.

There is always solution to problems. Do you wanna know how?

TO BE CONTINUED...........

Haha, tune in to the FINAL CLASS for this topic.

There is also another way for you. Pay for the tips and gain it back from it.
But why take risk?



Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wanna Get Rich In One Week?

Rich in A Week. Hehe, Sounds interesting. You guys can be rich in less than a week. Can you imagine all this cash laying around you like useless paper as you will have tons of it.

Is too good to be though but again this is what you guys think and this is the system. ^^ Like it or not but that's the real world for you.

So how? Must be wondering.... Through all below ???

--- Haha, its true. 100% TRUE

The fact is Sports Toto by Berjaya Holdings, Magnum, Da Ma Cai are some of the legal gambling system in Malaysia. The term lottery or lucky number is used as people are betting on numbers and it can really make you rich in an instant. For example, a direct hit on the first prize will give you 2500X the value you bet in and 60X for consolations. This means that if you bet RM1 and win the first prize, you will get RM2500.

Wow, amazing. But izzit so easy to hit? The answer is no but what you are about to see here is some ways and formula for you to play around with numbers. How to find them? Easy (4 Steps for you)

Interesting? Cool, but I can't tell you now. You know what, I will let you guys wondering around. Just for the fun. :p



"Your future depends on your dreams"

That's all for tonight. Stay tune for "Part 2" tomorrow night. You still want to get rich? HeHe. Good Night and have a nice dream.