This the issue of unfairness and bias of both lecturers and tutors for our EBM 3023 - Marketing Research course. This is due to the separation of our marketing course which is divided into two and the question of the assignments is different resulting one assignment easier than the others - Assignment 2. Besides that, the format for both assignment 1 and 2 contradict with the marking scheme of the tutors. As a result having relationship with the tutor gets a better marks than those who didn't regardless of the content. Format was strictly told to follow but in the end there are some students who does not follow the format were not being penalize. Is this fair? Only the lecturer knows.
In addition, the tutorials were conducted by different tutor but there is also a bias where one group gets higher than the other. Reason is unknown but the task, requirement and classes is the same. I'm not bull crapping as I will present my findings soon. Please be aware that the standards on each class is similar as there is good and poor students in each group and I'm taking the average from it.
Class 1 - by Dr E. and Mr J. (84 student)
Assignment 1: 13.31/20
Assignment 2: 13.41/20
Tutorial: 15.61/20
Total: 42.14/60 (70.24%)
Class 2 -by Mr M. and Mr L. (93 student)
Assignment 1: 13.48/20
Assignment 2: 15.09/20
Tutorial: 16.6/20
Total: 44.68/60 (74.46%)
The assignment 1 is the same for both class, thus we could see the standards is the same - thus show the equal knowledge of both class. Assignment 2 shows a significant different - Class 2 score better which is due to easier question and lenient in marking. Tutorials also shows significant different - Class 2 score higher which shows the tutor is being bias. Overall the score seems not to be much different (just by merely 2) but that is the average and in overall context - 2 to 3 marks may meant a grade after adjustment. OMG !!!
Thus from the comparison and conclusion. Is the system being fair? I totally agree that, it is not fair at all. I hope those lecturers & tutors can sleep well. I'm cursing every each of them for being unfair to us. Hope they will meet the similar dilemma like us and suffer for eternally.
EXTRA: According to Dr E - Your assignments had been added 6 marks (BULL
SHIT !!!) Is the same as before and if any error, please come and find me (BULLCRAP !!!) don't waste my time. Go to hell !!!
In addition, the tutorials were conducted by different tutor but there is also a bias where one group gets higher than the other. Reason is unknown but the task, requirement and classes is the same. I'm not bull crapping as I will present my findings soon. Please be aware that the standards on each class is similar as there is good and poor students in each group and I'm taking the average from it.
Class 1 - by Dr E. and Mr J. (84 student)
Assignment 1: 13.31/20
Assignment 2: 13.41/20
Tutorial: 15.61/20
Total: 42.14/60 (70.24%)
Class 2 -by Mr M. and Mr L. (93 student)
Assignment 1: 13.48/20
Assignment 2: 15.09/20
Tutorial: 16.6/20
Total: 44.68/60 (74.46%)
The assignment 1 is the same for both class, thus we could see the standards is the same - thus show the equal knowledge of both class. Assignment 2 shows a significant different - Class 2 score better which is due to easier question and lenient in marking. Tutorials also shows significant different - Class 2 score higher which shows the tutor is being bias. Overall the score seems not to be much different (just by merely 2) but that is the average and in overall context - 2 to 3 marks may meant a grade after adjustment. OMG !!!
Thus from the comparison and conclusion. Is the system being fair? I totally agree that, it is not fair at all. I hope those lecturers & tutors can sleep well. I'm cursing every each of them for being unfair to us. Hope they will meet the similar dilemma like us and suffer for eternally.
EXTRA: According to Dr E - Your assignments had been added 6 marks (BULL

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