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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sam Counseling In Cempaka - Group Part 2

OMG. I got cheated again. This a group counseling maraton session. Why? Because this program combines 6 sessions in a day and each session take us 1 hour 30 minutes. Totally the program starts at 9am (P-Time) and end around 5pm something. Gosh.

The group consist of 10 students, all from Cempaka. 4 Year 1; 3 Year 2 and remaining Year 3. 5 males and 5 females. 4 FIT Students , 4 FK Students and 2 FEB Students. 100% Chinese. Thus, this grouping is good as we can point out Chinese point of view. Haha

Six Session which includes:
  1. Introducing yourself to the group
  2. Introducing in terms of your personality
  3. Doing a personality test.
  4. Interpret the test results
  5. Unimas's Issue - Focusing on Cempaka
  6. Closing - reflection of the day.
My feeling is crap. Wake up so early for the assignments but what happen is I need to go for the stupid group counseling. I gain nothing. Actually, I can just no need to go because cop is not significant for us anymore. No value. But my personality ask me to go. I wrote down my name and its final. I hate to 'fly aeroplane' like the Malaysian Culture.

What is done is done. Look to the bright future and not the damn past !!!

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