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Thursday, September 24, 2009

5 'C's of Unimas

There are 5 main C's of Unimas during this holiday.

C = Cempaka - Cleanliness

As for the cleanliness in Cempaka, it is hopeless. This is because of the Malaysian culture. Why I say so? This is because whenever there is human, there will be rubbish and the place would be very dirty. Food leftover & Cigarette ash is the most disgusting one where it attracts many insects and create a very bad smell. The worst part is, there were in public study place - Study rooms and study there is hopeless now. Besides that, students here are F**kers where they use the room, open the windows but never close it - which cause the rain to flood the whole place. Conclusion, study rooms are condemned and the cleaners just overlook it.


C = Cafe - Cheated

Base on my posting yesterday, the Cafe had cheated us. The the same again today. Zzz. What is the problem with this people? This is the second day (24/9/09)

Cempaka - Sulaiman

Lake View Cafe - 88.9

Tower Cafe - Infinity FX

Tower Cafe - Nurkhan


(I believe all other cafes in Unimas were closed today)

C = Cash - Expenses increase

As far as I'm concern Sarawakian is very rich but not me - KL people. I'm very poor and become more poorer due to Unimas. First holiday = no cafe = no food. Thus everyday go out tapau food which = Higher food price + petrol price. Can you imagine that? The nearest stop for food is Desa Ilmu - 15km per trip. Second got cheated by Unimas cafe which make my cash management run off and now financial deficit. This is my own fault, cannot blame anyone as the past 2 years, I went back to KL. But if I go back KL, my assignments DIE


C = Cat - A Story

This is a story of my course mate, nothing much to do with me but to share with you guys. This cute black cat and her story. Please enjoy it. !!!

Cute Black Kitten

C = Connectivity - Internet Line

This is the most miserable one. Why? This is because student always misused the facility given to them free. The first few days, the internet speed was good and I was able to scroll smoothly for my journals. But since yesterday, the speed had drop miserably. Reason, more people is using, NO!!!. This is due to those idiots who put 24 hours download which drag down the speed. OMG, how am I suppose to meet my datelines?


As a conclusion, this holiday is not fun as days go by, thus I hope other Unimas viewer get a lesson from here and please go back during holidays especially HARI RAYA HOLIDAY. You will end up suffer like me if you don't believe. My demand for life is very low only but still barely surviving here. Don't you guys agree?

F**K !!!


  1. First of all the study room, the cleaners is still in the holiday mood mar, I guess only yesterday they return to work, so not manage to clean it la..

    About the cafe, no student = no profit = CLOSED lol. haha..

    Expenses increaseD?? It normal, just wait for few more day, the salary will be out soon, at least b4 the seven day every month. be patient brother. haha

  2. Sorry if i was mistaken. I saw the cleaner already back. Lol they are just lazy to clean it.

    If me also lazy to clean la, those bloody idiot take things for granted de. Today clean, tomorrow dirty. Thus why need clean every day. 3 to 4 day once la. Haha That's Malaysian

    The cafe should not be profit oriented. Is for student welfare. If takut rugi then just open goreng only la. Wastage will be less. Business might not be good but the promise must fulfill. If not buat apa keluar notice. Zzz

    Conclusion - UNIMAS IS HOPELESS !!!
