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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sultan Johor in UNIMAS

Daulat Tuanku
Haha that's the bloody phrase to address a royal blood. Haha, last Monday (27th July 2009), the Sultan of Johor came to visit UNIMAS

Sultan Mahmud Iskandar Al-Haj ibni Ismail Al-Khalidi

The fact that, he came to Unimas is not a big issue to me but, all the student and staff originating from Johor must go to the BHEP to greet him in formal dress code. More ridiculous is the Sultan came after lunch and the bloody weather is damn hot. All student were under the sun waiting for him. Bloody Hell !!!

Luckly, I'm not from Johor and even I'm, I won't give a damn to the sultan. Haha

The security of course increase as we can see more guards were placed along the entrance but it seems useless. If someone were trying to assassinate the Sultan, the Sultan is now RIP. Haiz, wasted a chance for the terrorist.

Meanwhile, last Saturday, there was a visit by the Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia to officially open the newly build DUN building in Waterfront Kuching. All this big big VVVIP coming and I just like seeing them passby. Haha that time I'm still at Sarikei. Sorry la King.

For your information, the DUN building is complete.
It is nice, you should visit it.

A Place Must Be Visited In Kuching.

Have Fun. Cheers ^^

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